Piet Blokker
My Story
At the Age of 21 I immigrated to Australia. I loved the Australian Nature, but especially Tasmania "Down Under" and its pristine, preserved, beautiful wilderness.
I gained many skills over the years from growing cut flowers, to producing Salmon Food, to becoming a registered Builder.
Due to stress and not looking after my body, at the age of 50 I ended up with Lymphoma and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I realized that my old life was finished and that this was the beginning of a new life. I started learning reflexology, Energy Healing and became interested in the purest Essential oils.
I was looking for a connection within the Universe and myself and tried to work out what life was all about.
During this time I was made aware of this Crazy Dutchman Wim Hof. It made me proud to be Dutch when I watched Wim’s documentaries. Without further thinking I ordered the 10-week course.
This proved to be my life saving decision!
My Awaking Process started up and my RA disappeared and I am now clear from cancer.
Because of the WHM I am now able to have fun with my children and grandchildren. They call me Naughty Opa of which I am proud!
Thanks Wim